Murray Bookchin's collection of essays envisioning an anarchist society without scarce resources via utilisation but not fetishisation of technology. Copied to clipboard Attachments Bookchin-Murray-Post-Scarcity-Anarchism-1986.pdf (2.77 MB) Murray Bookchin environment technology anarchism PDF Comments We got an e-mail saying this We got an e-mail saying this book is only half complete. Is this correct? Or were there two different versions published? This version has 198 pages, whereas the AK Press version has 315 My hardcopy of this book is My hardcopy of this book is 197 pages and it's from AK press. So, I think the answer is yes, Steven. Now I'm curious as to what's in the other 118 pages. ;) My Ramparts Press version My Ramparts Press version (1971) has 288 pages... seems to be the same contents as the Black Rose edition. I have a 2018 AK Press PDF,… I have a 2018 AK Press PDF, 252 pages. It would need approving though.
We got an e-mail saying this We got an e-mail saying this book is only half complete. Is this correct? Or were there two different versions published? This version has 198 pages, whereas the AK Press version has 315
My hardcopy of this book is My hardcopy of this book is 197 pages and it's from AK press. So, I think the answer is yes, Steven. Now I'm curious as to what's in the other 118 pages. ;)
My Ramparts Press version My Ramparts Press version (1971) has 288 pages... seems to be the same contents as the Black Rose edition.
The ecology of freedom: the emergence and dissolution of hierarchy - Murray Bookchin “The very notion of the domination of nature by man stems from the very real domination of human by…
Murray Bookchin's libertarian technics The first in a series of critical introductions to thinkers and concepts that inform discussion of the climate crisis, looking at Murray Bookchin…
When capitalism goes green - Miguel Amoros A former member of the Encyclopedie des Nuisances discusses the current reformist environmentalism of capitalism, the fashionable support for …
What's wrong with Prometheanism? Simple questions of technological progress abound in metaphysical subtleties and theological niceties.
Our Synthetic Environment - Murray Bookchin Our Synthetic Environment is a 1962 book by Murray Bookchin, published under the pseudonym "Lewis Herber".
Civilisation, primitivism and anarchism - Andrew Flood Andrew Flood's critique of the primitivist and anti-civilisation trends which have become popular in…
We got an e-mail saying this
We got an e-mail saying this book is only half complete. Is this correct? Or were there two different versions published?
This version has 198 pages, whereas the AK Press version has 315
My hardcopy of this book is
My hardcopy of this book is 197 pages and it's from AK press. So, I think the answer is yes, Steven. Now I'm curious as to what's in the other 118 pages. ;)
My Ramparts Press version
My Ramparts Press version (1971) has 288 pages... seems to be the same contents as the Black Rose edition.
I have a 2018 AK Press PDF,…
I have a 2018 AK Press PDF, 252 pages. It would need approving though.